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Growing Nationalism

Something that is very difficult for us to find methods of how to foster nationalism in the era of globalization such as growing nationalism sekarang.untuk Conventional Formal education is felt less effective.

Globalization and the wall Neoliberalisasi consciously or not is too strong to be penetrated by conventional educational methods. It required a more powerful method, effective and efficient. find the ideal method of growing nationalism, we need to look more into what the character of our society of Indonesia.

Indonesian society is a pluralistic society that can not be driven away without a certain momentum. So cultivate an attitude of nationalism need to find a momentum. In the colonial period, the momentum to develop nationalism is very easy to find, because at that time the Indonesian people have the same enemies of the Dutch aggressors. At times even now the momentum should be sought for in this period that much of an injustice that should be made to foster nationalism momentum.

During the New Order, Suharto successfully treat the issue of People's Defense and Security Hazard Communists as a lighter Latent nationalism, corruption cases have increasingly become - so, the case that human rights are not always complete or cases handled in the separatist regions - areas can be made lighter spirit nationalism in the younger generation today.

The most effective is when people occupied an example of this in Malaysian warships in the waters entering the Republic of Indonesia and the loss of Sipadan and the many cultures that have been in kleam by Malaysia, Indonesia I'm sure people feel angry, is the sense of nationalism emerged as a case or event, let us Youth in particular and the entire Indonesian nation make sense Love united homeland, the land has been fought by the combatants to shed blood, let us appreciate those who have been willing to risk your life ...

to realize the sense of nationalism for the government just this method will not work before the image of a good wake of the government. So before the government needs to foster nationalism to build a good image in order for increasing public confidence, so that the business spirit of nationalism that ignited like this is not just a nonsense.


FITRI AND preferment

Eid ul-Fitr (Arabic: عيد الفطر 'Idu l-Fitr) is a Muslim holiday which falls on 1 Syawal on Islamic calendar. Because the determination based on 1 Syawal circulation months, Eid or Hari Raya Puasa falls on different dates each year different when seen from the calendar AD. How to determine 1 Syawal also varied, so there might be some Muslims who celebrate on a different CE. On 1 Shawwal, Muslims gathered in the morning and held Eid prayer together in the mosques, in the field, or even the road (especially in big cities) where previously the area was not enough to accommodate pilgrims. Similarly, when it comes Idul Adha.

Allah He will say:
".... and let you raise the name of God, for his guidance and that ye may be grateful. " ( 185)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Lailaha illallahu, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Walillahilhamd.
Most of God! There is no god but God! And to God directed all praise and interpretation and Tahmid syukur.gema welcomes' Eid ul-Fitr, one syawal. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Walillahilhamd. 'Eid ul-Fitr, a day of happiness and gratitude for the Islamic mmat.
Takbir Allahu Akbar kalimah to glorify God Almighty Kalimah illah Lailaha Tawheed Oneness of Allah Almighty for Kalimah Tahmid Walillahilhamd to be grateful for all ni'mat, who has been given by Allah swt He said that he meant:
"Indeed the incident of the heavens and the earth, turn night to day and the ship sailed on the sea, carrying the objects useful to man. Similarly, the water which Allah sends down rain from the sky, which can turn the earth after its death, and he breeds her various types of animals. Similarly to the circulation of winds and clouds floating between heaven and bumi.Sesungguhnya such a token of God's power for people who use common mind. " ( 164)

'Eid is a happy day, today's Greetings Insan fellow who did not escape wrong and mistaken ever done. On this glorious day do not hesitate to admit that one might have mistaken we doing to the Muslim brothers. There may be feelings of envy jealousy, perfidy, or various crimes and penganiaayaan we did pohonlah forgiveness, God willing, good Day and good month is easy to forgive people.

s.a.w.yang Prophet meant:

"Would you tell me more about the degree of the primary,
of the degree of prayer, fasting and alms! They said:
Even want to! Rasulallah said: "peace between two people who disagree, because a dispute between two human beings that brings destruction."
(H. R. Abu Daud and Termizi)

Maria Ozawa

Young Ustad Yusuf Mansyur was concerned with systematic efforts to destroy the character of the Indonesian nation. Because of that, he was more agreement if the president grabbed the arrival of Japanese porn star, Miyabi or Maria Ozawa is invited by a production house. Even if he becomes president, would like to invite to the house of Maria Ozawa,

and will lecture to be aware of and away from work. Because that is already through pornonya films has poisoned the younger generation of the world. "In my opinion we are better gallant, but if I were the head of my country to invite Cikeas Miyabi, I told them I repent ceramahin. Baru Indonesia he could to play the movie. But lest even want to destroy this nation?" he said inquiringly. Condition of Indonesian film itself is now leading the emergence of many smells porn movies, according to Yusuf Mansur must be corrected. And any human being should be introspective film itself. "We should first introspection, because I saw this film leads us to it (pornography, red), but can not also ignored. Proverbial our fragrant bath up, suddenly there came a friend stepped on my ass, it smells. If you want to go to Indonesia cleaned first, "he explained. Joseph Mansyur also asked immediately to implement the law's new film, if in the context of pornography can work effectively. Do not just dwell on issues that actually far from completion. "If that's the goal, to control things like this it should be soon," he concluded. (kpl / hen / ddr)



3D printer english version

3D printer, we may often, to see printer ngeprint only on paper but it's crazy people there is a 3D printer, where printer 2D (regular printer, print on paper)'ve can not meet the needs of technology, 3D printer was out and ready for make the results more printers "real".

this, which is a 3D printer? 3D printer, the printer can produce 3d models, not on paper anymore, but an item that has 3 dimensions, length, width and height. (reply khan regular printer paper, just have a long and wide, hard on the visuals).

now there is one brand CONTEX z450. One of the printers on the market with prices ranging from $ 40,000 (with 11,000 U.S., it costs 440 million), this printer can produce 3d models that have been created in CAD programs (Catia, Solidworks, etc)

all must be confused How do I work this 3D printer? This printer "sow" powder (This powder contains plastik_ per layer, very thin, then sprinkle powder harden the placard above the layer will be formed. This is done repeatedly until the model is perfect.


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